Little Free Library

This is pretty off topic from my normal content but our neighbor put a Little Free Library in their yard near the sidewalk and I’ve noticed them peppered around the city that I live in as well as the little beach town that I vacation in. This got me wondering what they’re all about. I landed on their website, which has tons of resources! The coolest of which is a map of your area that will show you where all of the Little Free Libraries in your area are. Little Free Library is a nonprofit based out of St. Paul, MN with a mission to expand book access, inspire readers and build community. I wanted to post a little blurb about this because I have a lot of friends who will take their unwanted books to Goodwill, thrift stores, etc and I think that these are an exceptional alternative! I’m going to add in a couple of links to my post in case you’re interested in checking it out. First, here is a link of their map page. You can look up Little Free Libraries in your area to drop unwanted books off at, if you’re interested. If you want to poke around the website and see what it’s all about, you’ll have access from here as well. They offer prebuilt libraries and kits under the “libraries” tab in case you’re interested in making your own. I did some poking around on Amazon because I am ever the thrifty shopper and I found some less pricey alternatives that I will list below.

Happy reading friends!


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