Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree (Legends & Lattes #1)

Rating: 5

Spice: 0

Primary Genre: Cozy Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Violence, arson, stalking

Favorite Quote: “A pleasure,” said Viv. It wasn’t.

Plot 4/5:

Viv is professional killer who has decided she’d like to give that all up, settle down in the big city of Thune and open up a coffee shop. The only problem is, no one has heard of it. As she works towards her dream of opening up her shop she meets a cast of characters to help her get the job done along the way. Grab a fuzzy blanket, a latte, cozy up and get ready for a great story with some laughs.

The Good:

I’m unsure how to iniate this list. This is probably in my top 10 of favorite books I have read in the last two years. I am kicking myself that I put it off for so long. It gives off “The Princess Bride” vibes but it’s nothing even remotely like that.

The characters are spectacular. The found family aspect is key to this story and every character plays an integral part. You’re aware of who everyone is, their role, their personality. You find yourself chuckling at their silly quirks.

* There is a little bit of a mystery in the storyline but for the most part, not much really happens other than Viv moves to town to open a coffee shop and makes friends. And yes, that’s a good thing! Because this book is written so well that you enjoy it!

* If you’re looking for a break from intense world building, this is your book. That can get so mind numbing in fantasy novels at times but Travis did a pretty great job of plopping you into Thune without introduction and you’re able to easily grasp the situation without chapters upon chapters of world building

The Meh: 

I found myself wanting more madrigal content. I get that it’s supposed to be mysterious and everything but I would have liked a little bit more of the madrigal storyline (3rd book?)

* The romantic storyline could have started developing earlier on with some insinuation/nuances

Bottom Line: 

I loved this book, I’m reading the next one as well. I don’t know when I’ll get around to it but it’s on my TBR and it will stay there. I don’t know if this is a match for every fantasy lover out there but if you’re in the mood for a cozy ready where you don’t have any anxiety, endearing characters and a heartwarming story this is your book.

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09/10/2024 Book Releases