Home Is Where The Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

Home Is Where the Bodies AreHome Is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My first Jeneva Rose book and I could not put this down. The fam gathers at their childhood home in Wisconsin following the death of the mother. On her death bed, she tries to tell Beth what happened to their father but dies in the process. The sibling dynamics of Beth, Nicole and Michael are wildly toxic, incredibly strange and inexplicable things keep happening and from one moment to the next I don't know who is out of their mind. They stumble upon a VHS tape that appears to incriminate their parents in a crime and they strap in to the rollercoaster of trying to figure out what happened. I did not see the twist coming until it was right in front of my face. Loved the ending as well!

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