Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan

This book started out very slow for me, I had a hard time getting into it. The first three chapters felt slower than molasses in January, then of a sudden it's like you're on the freeway and you realize that your brakes don't work. Ok, not that extreme because this obviously isn't a thriller but this book is like mainlining dopamine from Chapter 4 and beyond. I was literally blushing on my living room couch, eating Goldfish in my sweatpants and a messy bun like I myself was having a summer romance. 

The FMC starts out sad. Her life is full of endings and she can't seem to get her shit together. She's 38, she has 3 kids, and btw, Fuck Peter. That's all that I have to say about that. I like that the MCs are in their late 30's. They're full-on fucking grown ups and isn't that refreshing. 

This is a fade to black romance so if it's smut you're searching for, search elsewhere. It is meaningful with a hint of sadness. It's got the vibe of a 2nd chance romance but it's not. 

What happens when the guy you date after the divorce "just for the summer" turns into someone you catch feelings for? Why do we get a dog when we know they're going to die and break our hearts? What happens when the pages of a book are laced with crack cocaine? Ok, I'm KIDDING. Can this book be serious and discuss some sad topics? Yes. Can it make you so damn happy anyways? Abso-fucking-lutely.

Other reasons to read this book:
Skateboarding lessons
Pelican Island
Charm bracelets
Powder blue tuxedos

I promise you, this book feels very light, happy and airy somehow. I can't explain it other than Annabel must be magic. I finished this book in less than 24 hours. Just read it. You won't regret it because you'll close this book with a smile on your face.



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