Birding With Benefits by Sarah T. Dubb


Celeste is divorced and is on a journey of discovery to find out who she is after losing herself in her marriage. She shows up at a park to meet with a guy who's squaring up with his ex. She believes she's supposed to be acting as his new partner, only to find out it's actually his partner in a birding contest. But that's after she's already told his ex that they're dating.

Celeste agrees to compete in a "Bird Binge" with John, bird watching for 42 days to find as many species as possible while also being his fake girlfriend. Might as well bring him along to a few events as her fake boyfriend as well, right? 

This book kicks immediately into high gear hilarity. The female MC's personality is so refreshingly all over the place in the beginning. John is a quiet introvert who enjoys woodworking, hiking and bird watching. He comes off as so gentle and caring. They cannot be more opposite but learn to work together well. Both MC's aren't interested in dating due to baggage from their previous relationships but of course, the seem to end up developing an undeniable chemistry that they just cannot run away from.

While I loved both of the characters I have to say that by the end of the book, Celeste was just pissing me off. The argument she has with Morgan (her daughter)... it seems like her daughter has a better grasp on Celeste's life than she does.

John is damn neared flying around this book in angel wings. He is a golden retriever if I've ever seen one. Even when he does act like a dick, I'm cheering him on for some reason. I forever picture him in plaid. I do not know why and please do not ask me to explain.

 John's bestie Chris and Celeste's bestie Maria are excellent side characters. They bring an extra comedy element into the story and draw out the main characters a little bit more since their communication can be quite shit sometimes due to their baggage. The Arizona setting is lovely and perfect for the story.

The ending actually turned out way cuter than I imagined it could have turned out. Great light hearted romcom!


Does It Hurt by H.D. Carlton


Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan