Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman Book 0.1 in the Practical Magic series

I have been really excited to start this book series because I love the movie Practical Magic. I decided to read these in chronological order rather than in the order that they were released. Maybe that was a mistake on my part because this book took me a really long time to get into. I felt that it started out very slow. Luckily, I have the Libby app so I checked out the audio book and just started listening to it to and from work or while I was out running errands. I was finally able to get to a point in the book where I found it interesting! And the plot really does start to pick up, it just takes awhile in my humble opinion. But now, to the meat of it. I am so glad that I was able to get into this story because it's a great one! You see a little clip in the movie of Maria Owens's story but this is the whole meat and potatoes of it. Once you really get into it, it's an extremely interesting story and a page turner. Lots of witchcraft/witchy things, love, heartbreak, revenge, sadness, the salem witch trials...So if you like the movie, or if you like anything out of the list I just gave you, you'll 100% like this book. This is great for a fall read!


The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman - Book 0.2 in the Practical Magic series


From Bad to Cursed by Lana Harper