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Free Dark Romance Kindle Books
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Free Dark Romance Kindle Books

Did you miss out on “Stuff Your Kindle/eReader Day” yesterday? Well, I’ve got you covered! I’ve got links to some TOTALLY FREE dark romance/erotica books on Amazon!

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SYKD Dark Romance Picks
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SYKD Dark Romance Picks

My Stuff Your Kindle and eReader Day free Dark Romance, Erotic Romance and Romantic Suspense eBook Picks with links to Amazon!

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Stuff Your Kindle Day Alert!
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Stuff Your Kindle Day Alert!

Romance Bookworms is hosting another Stuff Your Kindle and eReader Day. You do not want to miss out! If you’ve never participated in one of these before, authors sign up to list their books for free with certain vendors like Amazon, Kobo, etc for FREE, for one day only!

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Book Releases I’m Excited For This Week
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Book Releases I’m Excited For This Week

So many great book releases today! There is lots of Romantasy, fantasy, witchy romance, all of the fall vibes. This isn’t every book being released this week, just a few that I found interesting. I’m linking the Amazon pages to the book covers in case something catches your eye.

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Dawn's Book Reviews Dawn's Book Reviews


You might have noticed that things look a little different around here! Our domain is the same but we’ve got a new site host and a completely new website design.

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How to Sell A Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
Dawn's Book Reviews Dawn's Book Reviews

How to Sell A Haunted House by Grady Hendrix

How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars I can't even explain how many times this book had me saying "WTF". It was shocking and it was creepy.

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The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson
Dawn Dawn

The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson

The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson My rating: 3 of 5 stars 3 Stars. This book seemed like a sure thing on paper but when I started reading it, I had an extremely hard time getting in to it.

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Home Is Where The Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose
Dawn Dawn

Home Is Where The Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

Home Is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose My rating: 5 of 5 stars My first Jeneva Rose book and I could not put this down. The fam gathers at their childhood home in Wisconsin following the death of the mother.

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