Fatal Infatuation by Melanie Nowak

Almost Human The First Trilogy #1





Primary Genre:

Paranormal romance/Vampire romance

Trigger Warnings:

Alcohol, Assault, Blood, Death, Religion, Slut shaming, Violence

Favorite Quote:

“If you can’t deny that they cling to you in fear, whether it’s fear of you, or fear of being without you…you might as well be all alone. And if you’re going to be all alone, you’d better be able to live with yourself.”

Plot 4/5: Felicity is a freshman in college in upstate New York, she’s shy and has a tough time making friends but luckily her parents aren’t so well off that she doesn’t need a job in college and she meets some friends. She also meets some vampires, most of who aren’t particularly friendly but when Cain saves Felicity and her friend Ben from a vampire attack she starts to catch feelings. Cain and Ben also have feelings…of animosity towards each other. While Felicity is trying to keep those two from killing each other, vampire Sindy and her pack of lackeys are terrorizing the entire town.

The Good:

* The characters are well written and each have a distinct and discernable personality, you kind of feel like you know them. Sindy’s character is atrocious but she definetely kept things interesting! Allie was my favorite character by far.

Felicity does have some fantastic character development throughout the course of this book. She seems to mature by the end, which is a relief because she annoyed me a smidge at the beginning.

* I really enjoyed Melanie’s fresh take on the vampire-lore. Obviosly, I don’t want to give away any spoilers but there were a few vampire aspects that aren’t traditional in this book.

* While there is definitely some angst in this book because the FMC is a teenager, it is nowhere near the annoying level of Twilight so that was a relief. I saw other reviews comparing this to Twilight but I got more of a BTVS vibe and that’s a good thing, trust me.

The Meh: 

This book feels like it’s almost 90% internal narration/stream of consciousness, so it’s very wordy and it can seem like not much happens. There are whole chapters that are just the character’s thoughts and there is no dialogue or interactions with other characters.

* Cain’s character quotes a lot of Bible verses. This doesn’t really bother me but I know that there are some readers who can’t stand stuff like that. It does come off as a little preachy, especially in the final chapter

* I think I am supposed to like Ben’s character but I found myself wanting to punch him in the face and feeling extremely indifferent about whether or not something bad were to happen to him

* There were certain things about Cain and Felicity’s characters that irritated me as well. Cain because he couldn’t seem to grow a pair of balls and properly deal with this Sindy chick. In the beginning of the book he was giving off total alpha vibes, then somewhere along the way he switches up and he turns into a complete beta. Felicity because her inner monologue comes off as an insecure b*tch towards other females at certain times. She’s self-deprecating, then self-confident, and at the same time insulting some of the other female characters in her inner monologue.

Bottom Line: 

The plot is solid and well thought out. The characters are well developed. You get a good feel/understanding of the town from the writing. It’s done very well. That being said, the “internal monologue heavy” style of writing simply isn’t my personal preference. I like a bit more action/vampire butt kicking and less sitting around thinking about your crush. I’d definitely recommend this if you like a clean/closed-door romance, a YA romantasy, or a vampire romance.

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