Three Hearts Hideaway by Luna Day


Our story takes place in Canada and our 33 year old MC Ava took off with zero plans to a small town after her narcissist, gaslighting (now ex) boyfriend sent out a voice message to everyone in her contact list (including her parents, boss and clients) slut shaming her for asking him for what she really wants in bed. Ava lands in the town of Little Greenfield with no hotel accommodations and no plans for her 10 day vacay other than figuring out what she wants going forward in her life and relationships. She stops at the only hotel in town, only to learn that there are no rooms available due to a fishing competition and heads across the street to drown her sorrows while the kind owner of the hotel tries to figure out a place for her to stay. Then we meet Roman, the bar owner/tender across the street whom she pours her heart out to and ends up offering her a place to stay. It turns out that Roman and his best friend Roman are in the process of converting their home into a B&B. While it's not quite finished and her bathroom doesn't have plumbing, she'll have a place to stay with the two most gorgeous guys in town-Roman and Logan. 

A few things that I really liked about this book: It's funny, for starters. I loved the small town atmosphere, the detailed description of the B&B, the descriptions of the surrounding nature/fall foliage. Very descriptive writing is totally up my alley. I feel that the story is well written and the characters are well developed. The small town vibe feels very Hallmark movie/Gilmore Girls vibe but don't let that fool you. This book is steamy AF. You're gonna need an A/C even if it's January in the Midwest. For a frame of reference, here in South Dakota it's been in the negative 20's recently. Yep, you're still gonna need some A/C. 

And while this particular love story isn't something I'd usually pick out to read, I had a hard time putting this down. I needed to know what was going to happen next. And in the words of the beloved Gertie "Who am I to judge? Love is love is love."

I received this book as an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. 


One Sweet Holiday (Jasmine Falls Love Stories #3) by Lucy Day


Kismet by Gab Tuls